
Wardsteyn Trends & Strategy provides companies with relevant market-, trends and competitor information in order to increase revenue and profits. We combine this information with the market insights and knowledge of our customers, thus increasing strategic knowledge of the business. The big advantage of this combined effort is that it helps companies to assess whether a chosen strategy offers enough perspective and continuity for the business at an early stage. It also may form a solid base for financial decisions such as refinancing, new investments and hiring new personnel.


Many companies base their growth strategy on their experience with – and knowledge of – their own markets and customers. In general there are many more drivers of growth than just that. Imagine relevant new legislation, statistical databases, case studies and information of branch organizations as drivers of change in your business. This, next to an in depth understanding of actual trends and how your main competitors are doing!

Today’s markets are changing more rapidly than ever before.

How to tackle these challenges in the short run whilst at the same time dealing with them so that strategy and organisation allow a (market) positioning which delivers sufficient revenues, cash flows and returns.

Our approach is based on many years of executive responsibility in managing a broad range of businesses in a number of industries. The combination of proprietary access to market and competitor intelligence, an extensive and solid network also comprising financial institutions
and private equity, and our hands on experience has delivered strongly improved results and performance for our customers.